Our Maths Curriculum


Maths is key in our everyday lives. At Kitwell, our children are taught: number, measures, geometry and statistics and how these can be applied to solving problems. When they join us, children at Kitwell will work practically, using a variety of equipment, to help them form an understanding on which future learning can be built. These are used alongside pictorial representations and written methods that can be used to support them in all areas. Teacher’s planning is based upon the Power Maths Schemes of Learning, with lessons structured to build on the children’s prior learning and support them in making links. In reception, the children’s lessons are planned using the NCETM’s Mastering Number resources for four days of each week, with the fifth focussing on shape, space, pattern and measure, with the support of Power Maths planning.

Lessons allow teachers to check for the children’s understanding, with further assessments taking place at the end of each unit and term, ensuring teachers can plan for the children’s next steps.

Formative and Summative Assessment at Kitwell is completed using NTS tests each term and using our online tracking system INSIGHT for teacher assessments. 


Click on the links below for more information...

White Rose Maths Learning Scheme Link 

Power Maths Planning Link

Maths Long Term Overview

Ready to Progress Maths

Maths Policy

National Curriculum Programme of study for Maths

Power Maths Calculation policy - Reception

Power Maths Calculation policy - KS1

Power Maths Calculation policy - Years 3 and 4

Power Maths Calculation policy - Years 5 and 6

Example Maths teaching powerpoint

Example of short-term planning

Link to Mastering Number - Reception/KS1

Link to Mastery Maths - KS2

Our Maths Curriculum


Maths is key in our everyday lives. At Kitwell, our children are taught: number, measures, geometry and statistics and how these can be applied to solving problems. When they join us, children at Kitwell will work practically, using a variety of equipment, to help them form an understanding on which future learning can be built. These are used alongside pictorial representations and written methods that can be used to support them in all areas. Teacher’s planning is based upon the Power Maths Schemes of Learning, with lessons structured to build on the children’s prior learning and support them in making links. In reception, the children’s lessons are planned using the NCETM’s Mastering Number resources for four days of each week, with the fifth focussing on shape, space, pattern and measure, with the support of Power Maths planning.

Lessons allow teachers to check for the children’s understanding, with further assessments taking place at the end of each unit and term, ensuring teachers can plan for the children’s next steps.

Formative and Summative Assessment at Kitwell is completed using NTS tests each term and using our online tracking system INSIGHT for teacher assessments. 


Click on the links below for more information...

White Rose Maths Learning Scheme Link 

Power Maths Planning Link

Maths Long Term Overview

Ready to Progress Maths

Maths Policy

National Curriculum Programme of study for Maths

Power Maths Calculation policy - Reception

Power Maths Calculation policy - KS1

Power Maths Calculation policy - Years 3 and 4

Power Maths Calculation policy - Years 5 and 6

Example Maths teaching powerpoint

Example of short-term planning

Link to Mastering Number - Reception/KS1

Link to Mastery Maths - KS2