At Kitwell Primary School, we consider the safeguarding of children to be our most important priority. Children need to feel safe, cared for and valued in order to learn and thrive. In our school, we follow the guidance set out in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (updated yearly), which defines Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as:
To ensure this statutory guidance is followed, we take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes, through our safeguarding measures, regardless of their age, culture, physical needs, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and sexual identity. In order to do this, we have clear procedures in place to ensure that disclosures or allegations are taken seriously, recorded correctly and investigated. Our safeguarding policies and procedures are in line with the recommendations and best practice of the Birmingham Local Authority.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies, when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. Staff are made aware that any safeguarding issues need to be reported through the correct routes to the designated leads. When staff are recruited we follow up to date Safer Recruitment procedures set out in the annually updated Keeping Children Safe in Education document. Ongoing safeguarding measures are also in place for staff including through annual training and up-to-date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
The following staff have overall responsibility for Safeguarding at Kitwell Primary School and have received Level 2 Safeguarding and Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads in School:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mrs D Potts - Deputy Headteacher |
Deputy DSL Mrs M Shevels - Headteacher |
Deputy DSL Mrs L Matthews - Inclusion Manager |
In addition to this, all staff receive annual Safeguarding Training, to ensure they can readily recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and respond using our agreed procedures. Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the safeguarding provision and procedures in school meet the national statutory requirements and are committed to keeping Kitwell’s pupils safe. There is a designated governor responsible for Safeguarding. Their responsibility is to ensure Safeguarding policies are in place, ensure they are effective and respond to specific concerns about any aspect of safeguarding in school.
The Safeguarding Governor is Jo Gibson. She can be contacted by any parent via email ( or in writing via the school office.
If you have an immediate concern and cannot contact us please visit Birmingham Safeguarding Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website or call them on 0121 303 1888
If you want to report abuse online click here.
In an emergency where a child's safety is at immediate risk of significant harm contact West Midlands Police on 999
For example:
Click on the follow link for our e-safety page.
In order to provide the best possible safeguarding for all pupils in our school we work with outside agencies to ensure we get expert advice and support. We follow procedures set out by the Local Education Authority and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ in accordance with child protection procedures.
Below are some of the links we have with external agencies:
Right Help, Right Time
In line with Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board, Kitwell follows the refreshed threshold guidance “Right Help, Right Time” (RHRT). This framework has provided everyone at Kitwell with clear advice about what to do and how to respond if a child and their family need extra help. The DSL, attended the required training suggested by the RHRT Multi-Agency and so have embedded the RHRT guidance within the day to day practice of the school. Staff receive training so they know that the voice of the child is at the centre of their planning, decision making and service delivery.
Operation Encompass
We are an Operation Encompass School. Their aim is to ensure that schools have timely information about all police-attended incidents of domestic abuse, no matter where in the world the child lives. To enable staff in every school to understand how to support children who are experiencing domestic abuse, no matter where in the world the child lives. To ensure all child experiencing domestic abuse receive timely support in their school, no matter where in the world the child lives. Click here for more information.
We are required to collect information from parents/carers, prior to a child joining our school.
This includes:
In our school we follow the Data Protection Act 2018 regulations at all times. Information regarding children is stored safely and securely and it is only shared with professionals permitted to have it.
The list below is not exhaustive as many policies, procedures and protocols are in place to safeguard pupils. Policies are reviewed at regular intervals by the governing body, to ensure that the most up to date information and guidance is reflected in our school procedures:
All these policies are available via either the Policies and Documents page, DFE website (Government guidance) or via the school admin office.
At Kitwell, we endeavour to provide the very best service and opportunities for our pupils and families. To help us provide this we welcome your feedback and queries. Please feel free to contact us.
We usually find that face to face discussions are most effective at resolving concerns/complaints. In line with our policy, discussion of a concern would be with the class teacher in the first instance, followed by the headteacher if that does not support a resolution. After that, the matter can be referred to the Governing Body. Our Complaints Policy sets out the procedures and this can be requested via the school office or downloaded from our website. Our aim is to always listen and try to resolve issues before they reach this stage.
If your concern specifically relates to safeguarding, please speak to your child’s class teacher, one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads or contact the Safeguarding Governor, Jo Gibson. These details can be found on this page in the section ‘Who is Responsible for Safeguarding?’.