Kitwell Governing Board


Every school is required by law to have Governors who must bring a wide range of skills from business and the public sector into school governance. The purpose of the Governing Board is to support and challenge the school, to ensure its continuing development, to provide the very best opportunities for our pupils. It is essential that the Governors maintain a balanced view of the way the school is run, and that they use their skills in helping the school continually improve.


“Governors have a clear strategy for monitoring the work of the school, so that they can hold leaders to account.”

- Ofsted, 2019


The day to day management of the school rests with the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Governors are, however, responsible for agreeing and then ensuring that the school meets its priorities and goals.  They do this by seeking evidence of progress and making decisions about the school’s policies and procedures. The role of the Governing Board is to focus on three strategic functions: 


1) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2) Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

3) Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


“The Governors are fully committed to the wellbeing of all. The Governing Board is well informed about the effectiveness of the strategies employed by the school.”

- Wellbeing Award for Schools, 2019



The Governing Board is composed of people from a range of backgrounds and experience. They all give their time voluntarily.  On the Governing Board are 1 Parent Governors, 1 Staff Governor, the Head Teacher and 3 Co-opted Governors. This structure is detailed in our new Instrument of Government, from September 2019.


The current School Governors at Kitwell are: 

  • Michele Shevels
  • Laura Collins
  • Roland Roberts
  • Joanna Gibson
  • Katie Ward
  • Joe Suffield
  • Laura Hussey


For further information about governors and their roles and responsibilities and attendance, please click to download or view the files below. 

Record of Attendance at Governing Board Meetings 2023-2024

Governors' Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests (RBI) 2023-24

Historical Members records


The Governing Board is currently recruiting people with a range of experience to join us and help to shape the future of Kitwell Primary School. If you or anyone you know are interested in becoming a Governor, please speak to Mrs Shevels, contact the school office ( 

The School Governing Board meets twice a term on Tuesday evenings. Each meeting considers a key topic to ensure that the Governors are closely monitoring the school’s development. Governors also take a special interest in aspects of the school’s activity and visit school at least once a year to monitor this area of responsibility and report on their visit to the full Governing Board.

Successful schools are a partnership of pupils, parents, teachers and Governors. This partnership has seen major improvements that improve inclusion and opportunities for all pupils. The school has a high proportion of children who are entitled to free school meals and/or have special needs and receive additional funding, through Pupil Premium, to help these children maximise their potential.

Kitwell has pupils that are happy and safe and equipped to reach their full potential and be ready for the challenges of the change to secondary school and their future careers.

The Governors themselves have recently been externally reviewed by a National Leader of Governance, to ensure we are able to do our best to support the school and its development. Areas of opportunity have been identified and we will continue to work hard with our partners, to improve our effectiveness and maximise how we can help the school to improve.


  • Governors must declare any business interests in order to serve on the Governing Board. Details of Governors’ business interests are listed above
  •  Information about Governing Board attendance at meetings must also be declared publicly. The attendance record can be found above.
  • The Terms of Reference of the Governing Board can be accessed here.
  • The minutes from Governing Board meetings are a matter of public record and can be requested to be viewed via the school office.
  • Governors at Kitwell follow a Code of Conduct agreed at the start of the school year.  This can be viewed by clicking on the link below.  

Governors' Code of Conduct 2023-2024

For our Policy on Governor Virtual Meeting Attendance, please click here


The Governors are rightly proud of what the pupils and staff at Kitwell are already achieving together. The Governors will continue to support the school on its continuous improvement journey and review its progress, as part of our joint efforts to make Kitwell an even better place for our pupils to learn.

As Governors, we are keen to hear from parents and other members of the community, who wish to express their views about how Kitwell can continue to improve. The Governors can currently be contacted through the school office or by email:


Click here to link to GIAS (Get Information About Schools).


Information updated: March 2024.