Kitwell's School Vision

At Kitwell, we aim to be an outstanding school at the heart of our increasingly culturally diverse community.


We are a nurturing school where we want to work in closer partnership with parents, carers and other community members - thereby enabling each and every child to achieve to the highest possible standard.


At Kitwell, we understand the links between the children’s emotional well-being and their progress and attainment. We actively promote and protect the well-being and mental health of all members of the School Community. This academic year – we are working towards “myHappymind” Gold accreditation.


We want our children to grow up together to be healthy, happy, resilient and independent learners. We strive to make our curriculum creative and multi-cultural, incorporating opportunities to develop the cultural capital of our school community.


We plan to enhance our pedagogy by embedding direct instruction via our “5 a-day approach” and interweaving meta-cognition and long-term memory strategies into our teaching and learning.  


We want our children to have a voice, understand their rights and responsibilities, value and respect one another and have the skills necessary to meet future challenges… This year we are electing School Councillors, House Captains, Eco-Warriors, Happiness Heroes, Sports Leaders and Attendance Ambassadors - they will support teachers to make whole school decisions and improvements.


Our school grounds and premises continue to develop. We aim to have: a sensory space; a dedicated Arts room, improved playground areas and more technological hardware to enhance our provision.


Kitwell's School Vision

At Kitwell, we aim to be an outstanding school at the heart of our increasingly culturally diverse community.


We are a nurturing school where we want to work in closer partnership with parents, carers and other community members - thereby enabling each and every child to achieve to the highest possible standard.


At Kitwell, we understand the links between the children’s emotional well-being and their progress and attainment. We actively promote and protect the well-being and mental health of all members of the School Community. This academic year – we are working towards “myHappymind” Gold accreditation.


We want our children to grow up together to be healthy, happy, resilient and independent learners. We strive to make our curriculum creative and multi-cultural, incorporating opportunities to develop the cultural capital of our school community.


We plan to enhance our pedagogy by embedding direct instruction via our “5 a-day approach” and interweaving meta-cognition and long-term memory strategies into our teaching and learning.  


We want our children to have a voice, understand their rights and responsibilities, value and respect one another and have the skills necessary to meet future challenges… This year we are electing School Councillors, House Captains, Eco-Warriors, Happiness Heroes, Sports Leaders and Attendance Ambassadors - they will support teachers to make whole school decisions and improvements.


Our school grounds and premises continue to develop. We aim to have: a sensory space; a dedicated Arts room, improved playground areas and more technological hardware to enhance our provision.
