Children at Kitwell will learn about people's lives and lifestyles. We aim to provide activities where pupils will develop a lively curiosity, a sense of chronology and an awareness of the past through stories and other information sources. Where possible, children will make links between the different eras and compare it to life today. There are 4 main concepts that our curriculum is based upon: Evidence (primary and secondary sources), Chronology, cause and continuity, Cause and Conseuqence, Significance (of people and era).
Pupils begin initially by investigating their own and their family history. They will look at people who have made an impact on life in Britain today. In Key stage 1, they continue to build on this by looking at how transport has changed over time, the cause and consequences of the Great Fire of London and how and why Pocahinas is remembered. In Key Stage 2, the children develop their knowledge and skills further by studying key eras in a chronological way. They will learn about important episodes in Britain's past and about the history of other cultures and parts of the world. They also learn that the past can be interpreted in different ways.
We follow Pearson ActiveLearn Primary for our History scheme of work.
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