Social, Emotional and Mental Health
High Quality Teaching for all children
- Visual timetables
- Visual Aids
- Fiddle Toys
- Whole school behaviour policy
- class rewards and zone board
- Circle Time
- Safe space
- Behaviour Plan 1.
Targeted Support
- Mindfulness group
- Emoji Group
- Anger Management Group
- Emotional Resilience Group
- Individual reward system
- SDQ/RCAD questionnaires
- ART (Aggression Replacement Therapy)
- Behaviour Plan 2.
Specialist Support
- Wobble Cushion
- SNAP screening and interventions
- Individual Workstation
- Individual Visual timetable
- Key adult to talk to
- Access to Chill out club
- Access to Jigsaw room with behaviour mentor
- Educational Psychologist referral
- School Nurse referral
- Emotional Well-being Practitioner referral
- Solution Focused Mentoring
- Behaviour Plan 3.