

During the academic year of 2019-2020, we received feedback from parents regarding the way homework is set at Kitwell Primary. Taking these viewpoints into consideration, we are changing how homework is set and taken in. Your child will receive homework weekly and it will be focused on the basic skills of the year group your child is in. Each week they will receive:

  •  A piece of English and mathematics that will consolidate their learning from the week.
  •  Spelling linked to their year groups spelling rules and word banks. This will not be tested in school but will be praised when seen in their work in class.
  •  Number facts/ multiplication facts. Again, this will not be formally tested but praised when seen in their work and in arithmetic lessons.
  •  Reading- the expectation for reading is that they will read at least 3 times a week with an adult at home. To celebrate reading, Kitwell pupils will continue with our reading reward scheme.