If your child has a hearing, visual or sensory need please see our Sensory and Physical Needs page in Areas of SEN. We liaise with the Hearing and Visual Impairment team if your child’s need requires a care plan in school.
All staff receive Asthma, Allergies and Epi-pen training annually.
If your child has asthma please read our Asthma Policy below:
If you would like to see the school nurse please contact the school office on: 0121 476 0694 or the Inclusion Manager - Mrs Lucy Matthews who can put in a referral or request for the school nurse to contact you.
Each Class has a list of children (whom we have been made aware of) and their individual medical needs. A medication box is kept in the classroom with medication needed such as inhalers, eczema cream etc. There is also a medication needs poster in each classroom explaining where the medication box is kept and a list of first-aid trained staff in school and a step by step instruction guide of what to do in an emergency.
Emergency medication such as piriton or epi-pens are kept in the first aid cabinet in the main reception area of school.
School will send out a reminder when medication is soon to be out of date but it is the parents/carers responsibility to provide school with in date medication.