Cognition and Learning
Quality First Teaching for all children
- Visual Aids
- Visual Timetable
- Writing Frames
- Access to a word processor
- Support via teacher or teaching assistant
- individual daily reading.
Targeted Support
- Focused literacy support group
- Additional phonics
- paired reading
- rapid reading sessions
- rapid writing sessions
- rapid maths sessions
- fine motor skills
- Direct Phonics
- Pre/post- tutoring of vocabulary
- toolkit targets group.
Specialist Support
- PSS Support referral
- personalised curriculum planning
- individual rapid reading
- individual rapid writing
- Precision teaching
- individual toolkit targets support
- Toe by Toe
- Gross Motor sessions based on recommendations by a professional
- Oaks Specialist Teacher referral.
One of our priorities at the moment is supporting our 'Bottom 20%' across the curriculum. Below is our offer for these children in reading, writing and maths.