
We now use a whole school consistent approach to behaviour called Trackit-Lights. Trackit-Lights is used and linked to all areas of the curriculum, not just behaviour. Trackit-Lights has four sections, red, green, orange and yellow. All children start the day anew and can earn green points for specific behaviour-related praise reasons.


Children can earn certificates on Trackit lights – 50 points is a Bronze Certificate

                                                                        100 points is a Silver Certificate

                                                                        200 points is a Gold Certificate

                                                                        300 points is a Diamond Certificate

                                                                        400 points is a Platinum Certificate


Unacceptable behaviours will result in an orange warning on Trackit-Lights and if this continues a yellow warning will be issued. If a child persists or displays behaviour which is serious a red warning will be issued via Trackit-Lights. When a red warning is issued the child will spend 10 minutes with a member of Senior Management Team, they will also have to miss the next lunchtime session with SMT. If a child receives a red warning parents will be informed at the end of the day by the class teacher.


We have also introduced House points based on the green points that each child earns. Children can also receive a certificate and a small prize for getting the most points in their class each week. We have house mascots and every half term the children in the winning house will receive an additional reward which the children, with the help of the house captains and vice captains decide – such as a film afternoon or an extra playtime etc.

Click here to read our full behaviour policy.

Class and House Winners

This weeks house winner is:                                     Ozzy Owls

House winner for this term so far:                            Ozzy Owls

Reception Winner:                                                   Freya 

Y1 Winner:                                                              Kingsley

Y2 Winner:                                                              Jack and Selma

Y3 Winner:                                                              Issabella

Y4 Winner:                                                              Daniel

Y5 Winner:                                                              Elsiey

Y6 Winner:                                                              Isla