Our Geography Curriculum


At Kitwell, we aim to create pupils who have a thirst for knowledge about the world in which we live. 

The aim of our curriculum is to promote a thirst for knowledge, engagement with the world around us, a strong sense of self belief and a love of learning. This is done under our two main themes:

1) Water and land

2) People and Place 

Our children learn best when learning is meaningful, purposeful and develops transferrable skills. This means that our teaching is pupil focused. Each element of classroom practice is designed based on how children learn best. In Reception and Key Stage One, children are given the foundations of knowledge, curiosity and enquiry. They practice and begin to apply the necessary skills for investigation and enquiry needed in Key Stage Two. Children are encouraged to have a say in their own learning, asking key questions. Teachers are quick to address misconceptions through questioning and scaffold their learning through play. 

Geography provides a key context in which to involve pupils with the environmental sustainability and help them to grow up as responsible citizens. It helps shape thinking about the future. We want to bring a greater focus on the awareness of our responsibility to our world in our curriculum. We also seek to bring greater creativity to Key Stage Two geography and to reinforce the links we already have with other subject areas.

Click on the links below to find out more information...

Long Term Geography Overview

Geography Policy

Example of Geography Assessment

Example Geography Knowledge Organiser

Example Lesson Plan (Mountains)

Example Unit Overview (Mountains)

Example Planning appendix (Mountains)

Mapping Progression

Progression map