Our English Curriculum


It is our intent at Kitwell Primary School to provide pupils with a high-quality education in Reading and Writing. We are fully committed to developing each child’s unique potential. We strive to inspire all children to read for pleasure, ensure children show an understanding and confidently communicate their knowledge and ideas through their writing in a clear and coherent way.

When teaching English, we focus on the following areas:

  • Reading
  • Phonics
  • Writing
  • Handwriting
  • SPAG (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar)

All these areas are taught through a structured lessons which takes place on a daily basis. Children have access to the age-related skills and knowledge contained in the National Curriculum. Lessons involve differentiated scaffolding and access to additional support materials to ensure all children achieve in a lesson. Through the teaching of reading and writing, we expose children to a variety of high quality texts.


Reading at Kitwell

Reading Reward Scheme:

We will be continuing with our Reading Reward Scheme . For this, children can be rewarded with a certificate and sticker for reading at home and having their diary signed.

 The awards are as follows:

  • 25 comments= Bronze Award
  • 50 comments= Silver Award
  • 75 comments= Gold Award

Phonics at Kitwell

In Key Stage 1 we use Floppy's Phonics to aid phonics teaching in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. 

Formative and Summative Assessment at Kitwell happens via NTS tests each term and using our tracking system Insighttracking for teacher assessments. 


Click on the links below to find out more...

English Reading Progression Overview

English Writing Progression Overview

English Policy

Handwriting Policy

Parent Information about Floppy's Phonics

Assessment of spellings and phonics example

Example phonics book lesson plan

Floppy's Phonics National Curriculum Map

Kitwell's English Non-negotiables

Floppy's Phonics example daily teaching sequence