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Hello, and on behalf of myself, Staff and Governors, I would like to welcome you to our website. 

Our school has a very nurturing environment where all staff work very hard to  ensure that every child develops and feels valued - in fact, our tagline is “Kitwell - Where children are at the heart of everything that we do!” Visitors often comment on how welcoming and friendly the school feels –  something we are very proud of!

We aim to provide opportunities that enable children to academically achieve all that they are capable of – however, we also believe that this can only be fully achieved if mums, dads and carers work alongside the school to support the school with their child’s learning.

We want to have very positive relationships with all members of the school community – working together for the common good of our children.

We are also fully committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of each child – and are very proud to have achieved a national School’s Wellbeing Award in Spring 2019!

We have an open-door policy at Kitwell, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if there is anything you want to share or discuss.

Thanks for taking the time to read this – we hope you enjoy finding out more about Kitwell on the rest of our website.

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please let us know…


Michele Shevels


Kitwell Breakfast Club - From 7:45am every morning. £3 per child, per day. Includes cereal, toast, juice and lots of activities! Come and join us. Please enquire at the school office.

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Latest News

Remote Learning Update and Letters Home - 28.01.21
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

Hello everyone, 

4 letters have been added to our Letters Home page this week.

Please follow the link to view or download the letters. Letters include important information about remote learning and online safety, updates from Councillor Ian Ward about remote learning, updates from Vicky Ford MP about early years testing, and information on emergency and ongoing help from Birmingham Children’s Partnership. 

Please also visit our Remote Learning page for the latest information for parents and carers about remote learning. As well as the latest information for parents on remote learning, you will find a Remote Learning Help Hub, which is a space for children, parents and carers to view guides and find advice on a range of topics. For example, there are links, documents and presentations showing some of the ways children can use BGFL 365 to upload work and interact with their teachers and top tips for staying safe and well online.

Thank you.

Kitwell Primary School Organisation Proposal
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

 Please see attached letter. 


New E-Safety Guides for Parents and Carers.
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to us all relying on technology so much more. With Christmas around the corner - and perhaps some new devices under the tree this year - it’s never been more important to keep children safe online. 

Please refer to our E-Safety and Home Learning page to find out how to keep your children safe this winter and beyond. You will find links to websites from organisations like the NSPCC, Parent Zone and Net-Aware, who are all experts in the field of online safety. 

The page is regularly updated as the challenges of online safety change. Scroll to the bottom to see the latest updates for this term, including a recent BBC documentary about Tik-Tok, advice for staying safe when learning from home and a guide for helping parents and carers to better understand social media. 

Thank you.

Remote Learning Update and Letters Home - 28.01.21
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

Hello everyone, 

4 letters have been added to our Letters Home page this week.

Please follow the link to view or download the letters. Letters include important information about remote learning and online safety, updates from Councillor Ian Ward about remote learning, updates from Vicky Ford MP about early years testing, and information on emergency and ongoing help from Birmingham Children’s Partnership. 

Please also visit our Remote Learning page for the latest information for parents and carers about remote learning. As well as the latest information for parents on remote learning, you will find a Remote Learning Help Hub, which is a space for children, parents and carers to view guides and find advice on a range of topics. For example, there are links, documents and presentations showing some of the ways children can use BGFL 365 to upload work and interact with their teachers and top tips for staying safe and well online.

Thank you.

Kitwell Primary School Organisation Proposal
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

 Please see attached letter. 


New E-Safety Guides for Parents and Carers.
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to us all relying on technology so much more. With Christmas around the corner - and perhaps some new devices under the tree this year - it’s never been more important to keep children safe online. 

Please refer to our E-Safety and Home Learning page to find out how to keep your children safe this winter and beyond. You will find links to websites from organisations like the NSPCC, Parent Zone and Net-Aware, who are all experts in the field of online safety. 

The page is regularly updated as the challenges of online safety change. Scroll to the bottom to see the latest updates for this term, including a recent BBC documentary about Tik-Tok, advice for staying safe when learning from home and a guide for helping parents and carers to better understand social media. 

Thank you.

Remote Learning Update and Letters Home - 28.01.21
26/07/2022 8:09 AM

Hello everyone, 

4 letters have been added to our Letters Home page this week.

Please follow the link to view or download the letters. Letters include important information about remote learning and online safety, updates from Councillor Ian Ward about remote learning, updates from Vicky Ford MP about early years testing, and information on emergency and ongoing help from Birmingham Children’s Partnership. 

Please also visit our Remote Learning page for the latest information for parents and carers about remote learning. As well as the latest information for parents on remote learning, you will find a Remote Learning Help Hub, which is a space for children, parents and carers to view guides and find advice on a range of topics. For example, there are links, documents and presentations showing some of the ways children can use BGFL 365 to upload work and interact with their teachers and top tips for staying safe and well online.

Thank you.

No Letters to show

Parent Workshop. Managing your Childs behavior


It is our aim to create a happy, secure and inclusive environment, where all members of the School Community can grow in self-esteem, develop their full potential and celebrate their achievements.